Thursday, December 27, 2007

Tips For Your Eyes

Eyes are one of the finest assets which help us see the world in a better manner. With the vision we have found enough ways to nourish it too. Over exertion makes our eyes saggy, covered by dark circles, puffy and tired. With the different ways and means we can protect our eyes and also enhance our vision.

A very common problem which causes dullness in your eyes as well as a pain due to continuous strain put on your eyes through TV or your personal computer. This kind of a strain leads to a headache which can be stopped once you switch off your TV or your PC. This mainly happens because your eyes have been over-worked. Other than TV or PC your eyes get strained due to reading, minute work such as embroidering, or sewing.

Self-Care Measures

Have good amount of sleep i.e. at least eight hours.

Lie down in a dimly lit room and apply a cold compress over your eyes. Relax and continue with this process for minimum ten minutes.

Keep taking enough intervals to avoid any strain.

In every half hour you can focus on something in a distance for 1 or 2 minutes to avoid the strain.

Puffy Eyes:
A common reason for our eyes is to go through so much is mainly due to stress. If we avoid stress many of our eye problems will be solved. Puffiness has many causes and some of them are heredity, fluid retention due to weather changes and hormonal imbalance. With minor changes in your routine life you can make a lot of difference to benefit your eyes.

Home Remedies for Puffy Eyes

Raise the head-level of your bed as this would prevent puffiness by avoiding fluid retention around your eyes during your sleep.

You can dip cotton in a mixture of rosewater or milk or almond oil to keep your eyes refreshed

Soak couple of cotton pads in Witch Hazel to be placed on your eyelids. Due to the good starch content, potatoes work greatly to minimize puffiness and redness.

The first thing in the morning you see in the mirror is the puffed eyes. You can use ice, chilled spoons or tea bags on your eyes to get rid of that look.

Lavender oil is another soothing agent which helps to keep your eyes fresh and radiant. Add a drop of this oil in two and a half cup of water. Shake it well before use. You can use two cotton pods as eye pads which are dipped in this solution to be placed on your eyes.

Easiest of all the solution is to wash your face with cold water. This helps in making your face clean and clears your face from any inflammation and also moisturizers it to avoid any eye problems.

You can use egg whites which have been stiffly beaten then add a drop of witch hazel to it. Apply this under your eyes to avoid the puffiness and to keep your skin tighter.

Some of the remedies for dark circles and puffy eyes are similar. You can use these remedies to help clear both the problems.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Author: Kevin Pederson

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Healthier Skin Naturally in 7 Days or Less

Many people think that drastic measures are required in order to have flawless, youthful skin. Nothing could be further from the truth. It’s possible to have better looking skin starting with things you already have in your home; no cosmetic surgery or expensive makeup required!

Healthy skin is moist and produces adequate amounts of oil from the sebaceous glands, producing a natural “glow.” Plump skin cells fit together like a carefully constructed mosaic, where each one has its own place. When skin cells dry out, however, they begin to lift and separate at an angle, giving skin a dull, flaky look that makes the skin appear older.

The two main causes for dry skin are :
1. environmental factors (weather, chemicals, the use of the wrong personal care products) and

2. poor diet.

In order to look great on the outside, you must first treat yourself right from within. A regular balanced diet is the number one defense against wrinkles, outbreaks and dry skin conditions. However, certain foods have properties that are most important for that glow that we crave. Here we’ll talk a bit about some of these foods, and you’ll see how quickly you can achieve radiant skin without breaking the bank.

Most moisture for your skin is provided through your bloodstream. The bloodstream is responsible for pumping nutrients and minerals into your system which are carried through that moisture. Without being properly hydrated, nutrients and minerals in your bloodstream may never reach your skin, making them useless in keeping your skin youthful. The oil that your skin produces is not directly responsible for moisturizing, but instead helps to keep moisture in. An inadequate amount of oil will allow excessive evaporation or the moisture in your skin, allowing it to dry out quickly.

1. Foods rich in protein are essential for skin regeneration and repair. Not just any protein will do. The Atkins diet, which boasts of it low carb dieting results, allows for many types of protein that can cause damage to your skin. Any kind of processed meat, such as bacon, hot dogs or deli meats are loaded with preservatives and salt that will do nothing but pull moisture from your skin. Better sources of protein would include seafood (salmon in particular is a very good choice), lean fowl (turkey, chicken) and vegetable protein. Veggie protein is often overlooked, as American society is accustomed to “meat with every meal.” Try tofu or beans as a high quality protein source. Morningstar Farms makes an excellent veggie burger that even meat lovers would crave if given a try!

2. Another healthy practice is to eat lots of raw foods every day. Canned and frozen vegetables may provide some nutrients, but only raw veggies and fruits will contain the enzymes necessary to prevent free radical damage. If you absolutely must cook vegetables, steam them lightly and eat al dente.

3. Certain vitamins and minerals are crucial to youthful skin, including sulfur. In its natural form from foods such as garlic, onions, eggs and asparagus, sulfur with help to keep skin smooth and youthful. You can also take an L-systeine supplement which will also provide adequate amounts of sulfur for healthy skin. A lack of either Vitamin A or B can make your skin chapped or cracked. Beta-carotene is as good for your skin as it is for your eyes. Don’t limit yourself to carrots; any type of yellow or orange vegetable is loaded with them. Good examples are squashes and peppers.

4. Alpha-hydroxy acids are responsible for keeping your skin pH balanced. You can get them from foods such as apples, grapes, blackberries, citrus fruits, tomatoes and milk. Essential fatty acids (EFAs) found in fish (especially salmon), dark leafy vegetables (kale, collards, dandelions) and flax seeds are also extremely important for your skin. Lactic acid helps to improve your skin’s moisture content, while glycolic acid removes dead skin cells that make your skin look dry and flaky. Eating foods containing these two EFAs will assist in healthy, glowing skin.

5. If you’re willing to spend a little (just a little), there are a couple of supplements that will powerboost your healthy eating habits. If you find that you can only take one supplement, let it be Vitamin E. It prevents the formation of free radicals and helps repair skin cells damaged from scrapes, burns and bruises. Aloe Vera is another skin healer as well as moisturizer, and can be used topically from the aloe plant, or consumed as a juice found in supermarkets and health food stores. Kelp is an excellent source of nutrients due to its absorption from sea water and is available in several forms.

6. Junk foods should especially be avoided when trying to maintain healthy skin. Eliminating soda, sugar and other empty-calorie foods will not only improve your skin’s appearance, but will help take off the extra pounds. Fried foods are especially bad, because hot-processed oils (such as those found in the supermarket) actually create free radicals and can destroy that look you’ve been working so hard for. Alcohol and caffeine should also be avoided, as these and other types of diuretics make the body lose fluids and essential minerals, which dries out your skin.

7. Each of these foods and supplements are easy to find in your local supermarket or health store, and will cost you much less than the myriad of skin care products which promise unrealistic results. In just a few days, you’ll notice that your skin will begin to produce adequate amounts of oil naturally, and will no longer show signs of being dull, scaly, flaky or tight. Chapping and cracking during the winter will be much less likely to occur as well. Most importantly, these tips will help you to slow down the effects of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles, brown spots, enlarged pores and sagging skin.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Aloe Vera - The Miracle Plants

Aloe Vera is a plant of many surprises and wonders. Whether you use it as vital ingredient in beauty products or it is consumed as dietary supplement. Aloe Vera is a hot fertile region plant, but now it is cultivated in most part of the world. Aloe is a member of the lily family although it looks more of a cactus. It has been used for its medicinal purposes since the ancient times, but only recently has it enjoyed a rediscovery and subsequent popularity explosion.

There are over 200 varieties of aloes, but it is the Aloe Barbadensis Miller (Aloe Vera) plant, which has been of most use to mankind because of the medicinal properties it displays. Aloe Vera contains over 75 known active ingredients including a wide range Vitamins, antioxidant, minerals, calcium, essential Amino Acids, Sugars, Digestive Enzymes, Anti-inflammatory Enzymes, Plant Sterols, Lignin, Saponins, Anthraquinones and more. Aloe Vera contains many components, including vitamins A, B, C, and E. Aloe has a massive amount of minerals and enzymes, however not its entire component has been identified yet.

Nowadays, although medicines and drugs can be very effective in treating ailments, long term use often involves side effects for patients. Consequently more consumers and scientists are turning back to look at more traditional, and often natural therapies which have been neglected for so long. As a result, Aloe Vera is once again attracting attention as it can provide many benefits to our health and lifestyle without any side effects.


Ancient records show that the benefits of Aloe Vera have been known to mankind for centuries. Its therapeutic advantages and healing properties have survived more than 5000 years.

By using the aloe vera juice a person can get the benefits of aloe vera’s ability to aid in digestion, improve circulation, detoxify and heal from the inside. Aloe Vera juice can be a part of a person’s daily healthy regimen because it is safe to take everyday. If Aloe is taken internally, it increases the actual amount of our bile. It affects the small intestines and stimulates the muscular coat of the large intestine thus causing purging in about fifteen hours. Aloes also help increase the menstrual flow, since it belongs to the group of emmenagogues. Aloes have Aloin present used for therapeutic purposes. This causes less pain. It is a preferable drug for many forms of constipation. Continuous use of it does not lead to enlarging the dose to take.

Aloe’s benefits to our health include, helping to lower the blood sugar levels in diabetes patients. Aloe Vera is a strong laxative that may have some anti-cancer effects to humans. It is now being studied as a treatment for asthma.


Aloe Vera is commonly used externally to treat various skin conditions such as cuts, burns and echzema. It is alleged that sap from Aloe vera eases pain and reduces inflammation. Scientific evidence on the effects of Aloe vera sap on wound healing is contradictory. A study showed that the healing of a moderate to severe burn was sped up by six days when covering the wound on a regular basis with aloe vera gel, compared to the healing of the wound covered in a gauze bandage. In contrast, another study suggested wounds to which Aloe vera gel was applied were significantly slower to heal.

Many cosmetic companies add sap or products derived from Aloe Vera to products such as makeup, shampoos, soaps, moisturisers, sunscreens and lotions. Aloe gel is alleged to be useful for dry skin conditions, especially eczema around the eyes and sensitive facial skin and for treating fungal infections.Aloe vera has very good results in skin diseases and it is often taken as health drink. Aloe Vera is also found effective in treating wrinkles, stretch marks and pigmentations. Where as auravedic practitioners are in the favor of use of Aloe Vera. According to them Aloe vera has very good role in diabetic. Aloe vera is found to have smaller molecular structure and cutting properties. This help breaking down fat globules, therefore reducing obesity. Medical properties of Aloe vera are still on debate, but the beauty properties are highly accepted by the world.

Aloe Vera is also known to have certain medical properties. Aloe vera drink is used as a tonic for patient suffering from arthritis, diabetes and high cholesterol. This is because of the dietary supplement properties, which help in healing like anti fungal, anti oxidant, anti bacterial and some other properties. It is found to boost the immune system. The transparent gel that is found inside its leaf is used as a domestic emergency treatment in burns, injuries and solar erithema, also it is applied externally on hemorrhoids and foe a good cicatrisation. Aloe Vera contains at least two active compounds that decrease the levels of sugar in the blood and its extract is also used in patients with hypoglycemia. Its juice is consumed as prevention and treatment of many gastric disorders. The efficiency of Aloe Vera in the treatment of burns is due because it has a similar structure as aspirin, that in combination with magnesium have an anesthetic effect and because of its antimicrobian composition it helps for the hygiene of the burns, avoiding a possible infection.